Pranic Healing can help almost anything!
Pranic Healers use specific protocols that address everything from very complicated to very simple conditions. By supporting the body’s natural ability to heal, healing is faster and easier. After one or more sessions, most people see noticeable improvements.
Physical conditions treated include:
cardiovascular disease (including hypertension);
central nervous system disease;
disorders of the eyes, ears, nose & throat;
respiratory illness & allergies;
Emotional and mental conditions are addressed energetically by Pranic Psychotherapy and include:
stress and more.
Because emotional imbalances often go hand-in-hand with relationship, financial, career and other life challenges, many people see improvements in these areas after Pranic Healing.
Pranic Healing is also great for wellness & prevention. Sessions are very relaxing; everyone feels better after a healing!
F A Q s
Q. Are Pranic Healing sessions in person or remote/distant?
A. Pranic Healing Bucks County offers healing sessions both in-person (IRL - "in real life") and distantly. Results are equally effective distantly as in-person.
IRL sessions are offered regularly at various locations including The Awaken Center at Plymouth Meeting Mall in Plymouth Meeting, PA. Different Pranic Healers are available in different locations. IRL sessions are great for a totally relaxing, immersive experience. You may schedule an IRL Pranic Healing session with us at The Awaken Center here. For other dates & locations, please contact us.
Distant sessions operate on the principle of quantum entanglement or what Albert Einstein called, “spooky action at a distance.” They are conducted remotely, with you in your home and your healer working from his or her office. Your session may be via Zoom or telephone. Distant healing sessions are super convenient, and work especially well for people who prefer not to drive to another location. They also allow you to control your environment so you can create the experience that will be most soothing and healing for you.
Q. How many healings will I need to see results?
A. Different people respond differently to Pranic Healing. Some factors that affect the rate of healing are:
how long you've had the problem
how serious/severe the problem is
whether the problem is localized (affecting a small area) or systemic (affecting your entire body)
your overall health
the information you share with your healer
your own receptivity to healing
Some people have big improvements right away; others see more incremental benefits.
Q. Can I continue the other therapies I'm using while I have Pranic Healing?
A. Yes! Pranic Healing is complimentary with all forms of healthcare. It is designed to make healing faster & easier. We encourage you to continue to follow your doctor's advice and let them know that you are also using Pranic Healing.
To try Pranic Healing, email PranicHealingBucksCounty@gmail.com or come to one of our events! Click here to RSVP.

What clients say...
My experience from Pranic Healing with Alison was extremely helpful. I came in with shoulder pain that was radiating down into my hands and fingers. It was going on for 6 months and is now gone - Paula C.
Alison is unique in where she offers another tool to alleviate pain and promotes healing without drugs. She is professional, knowledgeable, and provides a comfortable environment for her patients who want to be pain free so they can enjoy life with a purpose - Carole
After the session, I felt much more relaxed. There was less stress & tension. My muscles had loosened up - David
I felt amazing. The pain was completely gone - Jacqueline
I'm very pleased with the sessions. I don't feel the need to eat to self-soothe anymore. I feel loved & supported.... I feel awesome! - Paula F.
I had a healing session with Alison to work through a phobia I have, and she's amazing. I'm pretty wary of receiving energy work from just anyone, but the moment she began working with me I felt safe. After the session, I felt completely relaxed and back in balance. - Sora Lee
Alison is a true beacon of light! Her session emulates love, which I believe is necessary to facilitate healing. Most recently, unknown to me (I thought I was coping), she cleared my heart chakra of a profound sadness caused by my mothers death. - Denise
I went to Alison for relief from physical pain and it worked! - Christina
Alison’s healing sessions are a great way to relax and pamper yourself. Her energy is positive and her intuition is spot on. Alison facilitates a high vibrational environment which promotes healing and a general sense of wellbeing - Nicole
I consider Alison very gifted with Pranic healing I never had a session with it before this, It was very relaxing I felt some much energy moving around and out of my body. It was a powerful session and enjoyed it. I would like Alison to work on me again for sure - Dottie