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Things you can do on your own to stay energetically healthy...​
Cut or pull the energetic cords from yourself to anything that stresses you. Visualize throwing them into a green or violet flame. Repeat as often as necessary. | Get outside at least 10 minutes each day, especially on windy or sunny days. | Throw some salt or baking soda into your bathwater, use a salt scrub in the shower, burn incense or sage, bring a cactus or cleansing crystal into your work or living space. |
Walk barefoot, sit under a tree or near water, breathe deeply & slowly with the intent to pull in clean energy. | Let go of the past: forgive both yourself & others. Pray for those who have hurt you. | Shield yourself from negative elementals, entities and thought-forms: When you experience a negative thought, neutralize it by laughing about it or finding the silver lining. |
Strengthen your energetic core: meditate, or just be still, for a few minutes each day. | Pray. Gather with others to honor the Divine, whatever that is for you. | Think often about who or what you love, whether people, pets or plants! Spend time with them. Put their pictures around you. |
There are many classes everywhere. Becoming more energy sensitive and learning to work with energy will help you heal yourself. | This is the most important one of all! It will raise your vibration and keep you energetically strong. |
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