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Pranic Healing Central @ The Awaken Your Soul online Expo 

June 5 & 6, 2021

2nd Awaken Your Soul online Expo


Learn how Pranic Healing can:


Keep you healthy & well

Improve your career & finances 

Heal your family

Boost your business

Develop clairvoyance

Illuminate your life purpose

Heal Covid, addictions & more...




Meet Carlos Costa, Senior Disciple of Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui, and hear about his new book about Pranic Healing crystals!


All 13 recorded sessions 


Just $29









Book Launch! Carlos Costa Talks About His New Book, “Pranic Healing Crystals: History, Evolution & Practices”

This new book is a complement to Grand Master Choa Kok Sui’s groundbreaking book, Pranic Crystal Healing, and further explains new tools, techniques and uses of crystals in Pranic Healing. The teachings and tools have continued to evolve since the publication of Pranic Crystal Healing in 1996 and this book offers details about these new products. It also highlights the importance Grand Master Choa Kok Sui gave to healing crystals and the vast knowledge he had about them. Having personally performed over 10,000 healings since beginning Pranic Healing, Carlos has accumulated a wealth of knowledge which he freely shares.


You will learn tips & techniques that will super-charge your knowledge of healing crystals.


Carlos Costa is a senior disciple of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, as well as an expert Pranic Healer and an advanced Arhatic Yoga practitioner. From 1999 to 2006, he worked closely with Master Choa to develop the best crystals for healers. This included extensive experimentation and testing on crystal materials, designs, cuts, sizes and protocols for use. Based in the U.S. with operations in Brazil, Carlos Costa Crystals has been a leading global supplier of Pranic Healing crystals for over 20 years.


Visit Prana World in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with Atma Sundar

In this presentation, Pranic Healer Atma Sundar will take you on a tour of the Prana World facility and tell you more about Prana World's programs, classes and other activities. And... Prana World is just one of hundreds of Pranic Healing centers around the world!!


You will be inspired by the beauty & breadth of Prana World, and the world of Pranic Healing.


An alumni from World Pranic Healing Foundation, Sundar is a trainer on Pranic Healing and has 10 years of experience in business. He believes in measurable results for Pranic Healing techniques, bringing a holistic approach to prosperity and spirituality.



Your Etheric Body: The Vital Unseen Health Factor with Danièlle Fouché Leonard

Did you know that an unhappy relationship or other emotional trauma could be why you catch a cold every winter? Have you ever been talking to someone and felt especially drained at the end of the conversation? Or noticed your mood change (for better or worse) after eating certain foods? Every day, people are becoming more aware that their “energy” body or “etheric double” plays a significant role in their state of wellness. But just like it has taken us a long time to learn how to care for our physical bodies, we are now in the early stages of learning how to feed, clean, heal, exercise, and rest our etheric energy bodies.


You will gain an understanding of your etheric body and how it affects your physical & emotional health.


Having left a successful 20+ year IT career in 2014, Danièlle followed a higher spiritual calling with the help of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga to find a more direct way to help her community. Becoming both a Certified Associate Pranic Energy Healer and Solar Energy Sales & Design Consultant, Danièlle helps clients with their energetic needs.


How Pranic Healing Opened My Clairvoyance with Michael Espinoza

We’re all clairvoyant. But most of us don’t know how to access it. Working with subtle energy and healing others can often open many latent abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience & more. In this presentation, Michael Espinoza will share some of his journey as a healer, clairvoyant and psychic medium. You’ll hear some of his amazing experiences and learn more about the incredibly real world just beyond our physical senses.


You will enter the fascinating world of clairvoyance and see how easy it is to tap into your own gifts.


Michael Espinoza is a Certified Pranic Healer.  He has been successfully healing people since 2004 and treated a wide range of physical and emotional ailments, including stress, chronic migraines, depression, panic attacks, and addictions.  During his sessions, Michael connects with guides who relay messages during the healing. These messages assist with guidance and provide answers to questions you may have.


Meet The Center for Pranic Healing in Washington, D.C. with Marianne Chung

The mission of The Center for Pranic Healing in Washington, D.C. is to help people live a happy, healthy and well-balanced life, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially and spiritually. It offers a variety of events, workshops, and private sessions in person and via Zoom. In this presentation, Pranic Healer Marianne Chung will tell you more about the D.C. Center and its activities, as well as some of her own journey with Pranic Healing.


You will visit the Washington D.C. Pranic Healing community, join an impromptu Great Invocation and feel energy with your hands.


Marianne Chung, MPH, has been a Pranic Healer since 2011. Impressed by her own self-healing and personal transformation through Pranic Healing, she dedicates her time and talents to help advance Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. She is a Certified Associate Pranic Healer and a trainer for Basic Pranic Healing workshops. She has practiced Arhatic Yoga since 2013.  She supports various programs at The Center for Pranic Healing including the Pranic Healing Certification program and Pranic Healing Research Institute.


My Personal Journey to a Life of Substance with Kanan Kotak

Most healers begin their journey in pain. Someone they love is hurt, and nothing is helping. Somehow, they find Pranic Healing. And that’s when the magic begins….

In this heartfelt presentation, Pranic Healing instructor Kanan Kotak will describe how Pranic Healing not only cured her sick baby; it also transformed her, illuminating her life purpose and revealing her life mission.


You will learn some powerful principles that will transform the lives of the people you love.


Kanan Kotak is a Pranic Healing instructor and Managing Trustee of the Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Foundation of Karnataka in Bangalore, India. With a B.S. in Commerce and a Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education, Kanan has worked with both normal and mentally challenged children. Her journey with Pranic Healing began when her own newborn was suffering from a seemingly incurable illness. For over 2 years, Kanan tried everything she knew. As the months went by, Kanan became more and more desperate. Then she heard about Pranic Healing. Although she was skeptical, she gave it a try. Her child was cured in less than 3 months.


Pranic Healing for Entrepreneurs with Faryl Moore

Pranic Healing is so much more than physical healing! The deep energetic shifts relieve and transform emotional and mental health exponentially. That means they can also be used to improve your career health! In this energizing presentation, you'll hear how Faryl uses Pranic Healing to UPLEVEL entrepreneurs, business owners, and corporate leaders.


You will learn about the energetic blocks keeping you from business success and some easy tools you can use to release them.


Faryl Moore, Associate Certified Pranic Healer, specializes in smoothing the path for entrepreneurs. Working with clients of all ages, she especially enjoys assisting people who are making the transition from corporate to entrepreneurial life. Faryl uses Pranic Healing techniques to remove blocks, traumas, and other negative energies holding back clients from achieving their purpose and intentions in the world. Faryl‘s unwavering commitment to sharing her high energy provides unprecedented healing for you to actualize your dreams.


Pranic Healing, Covid & Spirituality in the Modern World with Nupur Burman Bhatnagar

Although Covid is declining in some countries, it’s rising exponentially in others. In many parts of South America and Asia, new variants are spreading quickly, causing lethal side effects and wiping out entire families.


In this inspiring presentation, you'll hear firsthand about the Covid crisis in India and learn some powerful healing tips that you can use yourself.


Nupur Burman Bhatnagar is a talented intuitive but more importantly, a humanitarian. Before the pandemic, Nupur utilized her Tarot reading and Pranic Healing skills in her life coaching practice, helping her clients to reinvent their lives. When Covid struck, however, Nupur couldn’t ignore the suffering. Realizing that much more could be done to help, she mobilized a large team of Pranic Healers who are helping to heal some of India’s sickest Covid patients. Working with Project Hope for Healing, Nupur’s team is growing daily and reporting many successful recoveries.


Tackling Extraordinary Cases with Basia Gibson

Basia Gibson has been blessed with some extraordinary gifts. These include the abilities to see inside clients’ organs (like x-ray vision); see past events that have caused clients’ traumas; and transport herself, psychically, to other locations when requested by a client. These abilities, combined with her formal training in Pranic Healing, allow her to adopt the most effective approach in treating each client.

Most recently, Basia comforted clients while they were undergoing surgery. She met them pre op, was present during the entire procedure and even sterilized the operating theatre and instruments prior to surgery. She has also remotely treated animals with injuries and those who have suffered abuse and traumas in their past lives, communicating directly with them during Pranic Healing.


In this captivating presentation, you'll hear the backstory about some of these, and other, extraordinary healing cases.


Basia Gibson is an Associate Certified Pranic Healer. She has been married for almost 50 years and has lived with her husband (due to his work) in 14 different countries, where she was drawn into and absorbed the cultures and traditions of those nations. In 2015, Basia became a fulltime Pranic Healer.


Pranic Healing: the Practical Side of Metaphysics with Ursula Lentine

Ursula Lentine is a metaphysicist – she understands, and relates to, the world in terms of energy. For Ursula, 3D is just another dimension. She’s also a seasoned Pranic Healer. That’s interesting because Pranic Healing is all about protocols and results. Yet, Ursula finds it to be the perfect way to apply her understanding of energy and metaphysics to her everyday life. In this interactive talk, Ursula shares more about her worldview, and discusses how she uses Pranic Healing.


You will learn how It All fits together, and how a working knowledge of subtle energy can help you better understand where you fit in the universe.


Ursula Lentine offers unique, powerful and transformational services in the areas of Pranic healing, Internal Family Systems, and Treatment/Prayer that enhance your life experiences. She works with individuals and groups to help them discover and release unconscious obstacles, allowing them to live an unencumbered and purposeful life. Her certifications include Metaphysics, Internal Family Systems, and Pranic Healing.


Healing Addiction with Pranic Psychotherapy with Saleem Ullah

Pranic Psychotherapy applies Pranic Healing techniques to speed recovery from mental illnesses and conditions. It can also be used for addiction, to help accelerate and ease the recovery process from drug, alcohol, cigarette, food and behavioral addictions. Saleem will talk about how it works and describe several cases he's worked on.


You will learn a simple technique that you can use each day to reduce your own cravings and compulsions.


An Associate Certified Pranic Healer (ACPH), Saleem Ullah has worked in the Engineering Corporate environment as an engineer for 25 years and studied Pranic Healing since 2014. He volunteers with the Institute of Pranic Healing UK & Ireland, bringing awareness of the healing techniques to the UK. Saleem is also a Chartered Engineer (CEng) from the Institution of Engineering and Technology, a FEANI European Engineer and graduated in Electronic Systems Design BEng Honors.


Healing Your Life with Pranic Feng Shui with Barbra P. Minglana-Haka

Isn’t it wonderful when things just fall into place? That’s what happens when energy is aligned. Pranic Feng Shui is a powerful practice that uses Pranic Healing techniques to optimize the energy around us. It can be used to enhance the energy of our home & workplace, as well as energies associated with our finances, careers, relationships and more. In this presentation, Barbra will talk about her experiences with Pranic Feng Shui and how it has improved the lives of her family, friends and clients.


You will learn how Pranic Feng Shui can shift the energy of career, relationships and more.


A Pranic Healer for the past 9 years, Barbra P. Minglana-Haka is excited to share her knowledge with others. She has recently completed the rigorous Associated Certified Pranic Healer (ACPH) program and is working to become a Certified Pranic Healer (CPH). Barbra is also an active member of Project Hope for Healing, using Pranic Healing to help speed recovery of Covid patients.


Shop Talk with Amanda Howard & Krupa Sivamurthy, M.D.

In this back & forth, Pranic Healing instructors Amanda Howard & Krupa Sivamurthy answer questions from the audience about when NOT to heal, shielding, energetic contamination, protection, attachment & detachment, transitioning and much more.


You will gain a deeper understanding of the practical side of energy healing and how to address challenges that can arise.


Amanda Howard is a professional Pranic Healer and massage therapist practicing in Boyertown, PA. She is extremely intuitive, with a close connection to the spirit and crystal realms. Krupa Sivamurthy, MD, DMB, is a pediatric hematologist-oncologist. She has practiced Pranic Healing since 2004 and is Executive Medical Director of the Pranic Healing Research Institute as well as Global Medical Lead at CSL Behring.


Pranic Healing Bucks County is a 501c3 (non-profit).


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