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Why are so many people simply not healing, despite receiving excellent medical care? What are we missing?


In this 2 hour re-play of "Healing the Unhealable" with Dr. William Easley at The Awaken Center, you’ll learn:


  • how to tell the difference between a disease that is mainly physical in origin vs. one that is energetic;

  • the importance of the gut-brain connection and why replacing vital gut flora is often done wrong;

  • the role of emotions in fibromyalgia, diabetes, asthma, breast cancer, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and other hard-to-treat diseases;

  • what’s happening with specific energy channels (meridians) in these cases;

  • simple alternative therapies that have successfully cured many patients;

  • much more.



Dr. Easley speaks from his personal experience, having treated over 15,000 patients during his career, and successfully resolved over 80% of those with unusual/difficult conditions. A former Professor of Anatomy & Physiology at Miami University, and an expert Pranic Healer for over 22 years, he built a reputation as a healer who could help patients considered “untreatable” by other healthcare practitioners.

His extensive qualifications include: Doctorate in Chiropractic (33 years), Doctorate in Alternative Healing (11 years), Certified practitioner of Auriculotherapy (20 years), Post-doctoral faculty in Auriculotherapy (17 years), Applied Kinesiology (45 years), Live Blood Microscopy (23 years), Acupuncture, Certified in Meridian Energetics, Ryodoraku, Reiki, and numerous qualifications in traditional medical areas (diagnostics, radiology, physical therapy, pain management, etc.).

Dr. Easley is the author of Mystery, Magic, and Medicine, a book that explores the reasons for the failure of the conventional medical system in healing many chronic and very common conditions (



Knowledge Masters features very advanced Pranic Healers who share their knowledge & insights on timely topics. They are often expert in multiple fields and typically reside outside of Bucks County.


All information is intended for educational purposes only and is based upon the experiences of the presenter. It is not intended to replace allopathic medicine, but rather to complement it.


No one associated with this event will diagnose disease, make any health claims, prescribe any medications and/or treatments, or guarantee any outcomes.



The full purchase price of this video, net of transaction fees, benefits Dr. William Easley and supports his healing & training work.

Pranic Healing Bucks County is a 501c3 (non-profit).


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